Saturday, February 14, 2015

Colorado Day 3: Video Highlights From Flex Time

Ms. Adams wipes out as she attempts to snowboard on a sled:

Kaan and Sean race down the hill:

Down the hill:

Cristian, Angelica, Emely, and Crystal:

Colorado Day 3: Learning In The Field

Today both groups left campus and learned more about snow science in different locations around Summit County. Afterwards we learned out our stakeholder roles and started preparing for tomorrow's Town Hall Meeting where we'll discuss water management issues. During our flex time we hit the slopes again had an awesome time sledding and skiing at KSS. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Colorado Day 2: Trying Something New

Today we practiced skiing more and learned about snow science. 

Here are some highlights from today:

Our instructor DC helped us learn to ski correctly. We learned how to stop, go up hills, and ski downhill. 

But some of us may have fallen, but learned to get back up and had lots of fun. 

 That's SWAG/CLASS!- From T.J

This trip means spending time with friends and seeing a new place. 

Isabella looks like a pro on her skis.

T.J. "pooping and holding the cafeteria tray" SWAG/CLASS  -from Jonathan
This is the downhill skiing technique that we learned from DC.

Karen makes it look so easy.

Ms. Adams did a great job going downhill. 

 The Ducklings heading out on our first field experience. 

 Time for adventure!

Snow fight!!!  =)

Snow Angels

Max had a great second day! He was skiing like a pro =)

Max learned about the water cycle and how snow plays a vital role in replenishing the water basin.

Pure awesomeness.

Aimee spends some time evaluating the density of snow. 

 Hanging and drinking Hot Coco while we wrap-up our first lesson. -From T.J.

 Coming back from a cold travel experience. 

During our free time we were able to play on hill and try sledding for the first time! It was awesome!

Having fun getting stuck.- LOL

Christian gives Jared a push down the hill. The faster the better on the sled =)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Colorado Day 1: Starting A New Adventure

We made it safe and sound to our new home at Keystone Science School. Everyone is excited for 5 days of hands-on learning and skiing in the Rocky Mountains. 

This is the cabin we're staying in. There are separate rooms for the boys, girls, and female chaperones. 

When we arrived at the campus and were greeted by two of our instructors: DC and Ben.

Kyli, Ruby, and Crystal found the mother of all icicles! Watch out!

Today we picked out our ski clothes, skis, and poles. Mrs. Saulter gave us our first ski lesson. 

Kyli rocking her ski gear:

Mrs. Barnstable and Jonathan are ready for their first attempt at cross-country skiing!

Helping others even when your in a pickle yourself.   - Crististian

Skiing with people that you have known forever =). - T.J. , Ruby, Kathy, Crystal, Mr. Cidav, Shawn, and Cristian -By T.J. <3

After a day of ski lessons, we gathered in the dining hall for a quick meeting and a tasty meal. 

A few of our "hoppers" cleaning up after our family style dinner. 

We feel so grateful to have this opportunity to visit Colorado and experience new things. 

Thank you parents and Harmony!