Tuesday, April 29, 2014

California Day 4: Livin' Life on the Edge

The Santa Monica Mountains provide ample hiking trails. Hardest decision is which ones to explore!

Flora, fauna, & geology are best discovered outside of classroom walls.

A wonderful place on the West Coast of Southern California to learn all-things-SCIENCE!

Gabby, Vianey, and Ms. Scott appear fresh and ready for a day-hike on the grotto trail!

Roxanne leads a botany lesson with her trail group. 

Sam studies his field guide to be prepared to identify area reptiles. 

The students get in touch with the wonders of nature and indulge in self-discovery. 

Life is a blank page. What will you write today?!

Reilly examines a wild cucumber in the Channel Islands. 

Incredible vistas surround this trail. The warm sun was appreciated after a few windy days on the islands. 

Too cool for school! That's why she is in NATURE!

Elexus and Mary earn mother-daughter bonding time by embarking on this science journey together. 

The Field Science Educators encourage one to notice things more closely. What does it look like? What does it smell like? Why do you think this specimen evolved to have such characteristics? 

Bri is all smiles on the grotto trail! She is ready to catch with her handy net.

Nature provides all answers. We only need to listen. 

Angelina captures tad poles and fish for the group to inspect before releasing back into the wild. 

Gabby observing a tad pole. 

Life is a balancing act!

Making new friends while keeping the old. One is silver and the other is gold!

Above the grotto dance party. Enough said!

The grotto is an amazing spot on planet Earth!

The group reflected on what they're grateful for, then shared thoughts one-by-one on a rocky platform. 
Field educators teach the Harmony group how to "make a rainbow" on the trail, to share the road with other hikers. Not one could pass through without a big grin :)

Science trips breed fierce, intelligent, strong, wilderness women! (clearly)

Trip coordinators Jessica Scott & Genevieve Saulter together make the perfect team. Three years (and counting!...) of executing trip opportunities for under-privileged youth is in their bones!

Around every corner there proves to be a new learning opportunity. 
Hey! Hiking groups spot each other mid-day. 

Our hiking group breaks for lunch and literature under the shady grove.

Sandra intently observes a wildflower during a lesson where botany meets art!
Parnian focuses in the shade while drawing the parts of her wildflower. 

California provides a diverse mix of beautiful flora for us to learn about. 
Sam, Isaiah, & Ethan enjoy a moment of discovery. 

Camp Hess Kramer in the Santa Monica Mountains allow us to view the Channel Islands from the mainland, and watch the nightly sunsets with newly found appreciation.  

One of many amazing wildflowers!

This science trip proved to be spectacular for the Harmony students, parents, and staff who attended. We hope the Californians had fun and learned, too! The moments and memories made during this week-long exploration will stay with us forever. 

Channel Islands in the distance.  The whole Harmony & NatureBridge Educator group sat and watched the sun say goodnight...but never goodbye! We all hope tomorrow will give us another opportunity to SEE THE WORLD!

Monday, April 28, 2014

California Day 3: A Whale of a Time

Just before docking back into Santa Barbara Harbor, a gray whale cruised the surface while searching for food! For many of us, it was our first whale-spotting. It was SPECTACULAR and impeccable timing!

Ethan studies the trail head marker before embarking on a daily excursion. 
Parnian confidently breathes in the island air. 

These lemon berries taste sour, like a natural candy. We put them in our water bottles to provide some tart flavor. 

Learning and living one step at a time!

Ms. Scott & Mrs. Saulter reap the rewards of hardwork and prepare for an island day-hike! It is a perfect day to explore!

The Painted Cave is the longest sea cave in the world! It extends back .25 mile! Our charter boat crept extremely close to the entrance. When weather conditions permit, small groups can enter the cave via a skiff.

Whale watching!

The Harmony California Science Trip Crew 2014 return to land and pose for a group shot in Santa Barbara. 

The students pause for a moment with a four-legged friend. 

California Day 2: The Wind Beneath My Wings

Santa Rosa, Channel Islands 

Geology-just one of many fields of science we access through hands-on learning adventures!

This windy day challenged us to find inner strength, work as a team, and see amazing things for the first time. 

"It was an amazing opportunity to make memories with new friends." -Aurora 

Vianey asks engaging questions about the old landing strip pictured behind her. The mountains in the background are the California mainland. 

Alessandra's group participates in a thoughtful activity about survival traits. This was the perfect setting to have lunch in the shelters. 

Alessandra, our field science educator stopped for lessons about the history of the island as well as the endemic species that live there such as the island fox. 

Reilly and Aurora compare the length of the island fox to its cousin the gray fox that lives on the mainland. 

Alysha represents the length of the mammoth that used to exist on the mainland and compared it to the island mammoth. 

Alysha and Vianey work together to make comparisons about the endemic and native species of animals that used to live on the island. 

Team Gimpy Gulls enter the campground valley for their hands-on ecology lesson. 

Team Lady Tigers pose for a quick pic. New bonds of friendship have been formed to last a lifetime. 

Aurora, Brianna, and Angelina are having a great time! 

Jumping for joy! 

We enjoyed stunning views of the surrounding Channel Islands on our hike.

Wide open spaces, a plethora of wildflowers, new comrades, and an incredible island to discover....the perfect day!

Building character and strength, Harmony students acquire skills to last a lifetime. 

A camp of shelters nestle in a valley. The stream runs to the Pacific Ocean. 

Mrs. Saulter stops for a snap of the ocean atop a hill. 

"The wind felt so strong I felt like I could fly." -Alysha

Blowing dandelion seeds into the wind. Angelina is one with nature. 

The unique Dudlia succulents pop up throughout the island. 

Team building skills were utilized through each step of the way. 

Gorgeous lupine appeared similar to our familiar Texas Bluebonnets! 

Aurora uses independent time to sketch, write poetry, and document this moment in time.

Beautiful Gabby wakes from a nature nap revived and ready to keep exploring!

The top deck of the charter boat is not only relaxing, but gives us time to chat with friends and take pictures. 


Gilberto and Mel chat about science over a cup of coffee.

Anchored in a calm cove for an amazing evening under the stars. 

All smiles after a great day of island hiking.

Students broke into groups that represented different viewpoints for a townhall debate about the future of the animals on the island. Here, the Ecologist group were fighting to eliminate the invasive feral pig population on the island. 

Ethan helps guide the group on the trail with his keen nature skills. 

Nature power = Girl power!!!!!!

Deidra, Parnian, and Sandra play follow the leader while hiking in Santa Rosa.

On our way back to the mainland looking for grey whales, seals, and other wildlife.