Monday, April 28, 2014

California Day 3: A Whale of a Time

Just before docking back into Santa Barbara Harbor, a gray whale cruised the surface while searching for food! For many of us, it was our first whale-spotting. It was SPECTACULAR and impeccable timing!

Ethan studies the trail head marker before embarking on a daily excursion. 
Parnian confidently breathes in the island air. 

These lemon berries taste sour, like a natural candy. We put them in our water bottles to provide some tart flavor. 

Learning and living one step at a time!

Ms. Scott & Mrs. Saulter reap the rewards of hardwork and prepare for an island day-hike! It is a perfect day to explore!

The Painted Cave is the longest sea cave in the world! It extends back .25 mile! Our charter boat crept extremely close to the entrance. When weather conditions permit, small groups can enter the cave via a skiff.

Whale watching!

The Harmony California Science Trip Crew 2014 return to land and pose for a group shot in Santa Barbara. 

The students pause for a moment with a four-legged friend. 

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